#new york City

What is nyc benchmarking local law 84 and 133?

What is nyc benchmarking local law 84 and 133?

Posted on 9 June, 2023 by The Cotcon Group

Local Law 84 and Local Law 133 are two New York City laws that require building owners to measure and report their energy and water usage on an annual basis. The laws were passed in 2009 and 2016, respectively, as part of the city's Greener, Greater Buildings Plan. Local Law 84 applies to buildings that are more than 50,000 square feet in size. Local Law 133 expanded the law to include buildings that are more than 25,000 square feet in size. The laws have several benefits, including:...
Maximizing Energy Efficiency: Strategies for Local Law 87 Compliance

Maximizing Energy Efficiency: Strategies for Local Law 87 Compliance

Posted on 13 July, 2023 by The Cotcon Group

Discover effective strategies for maximizing energy efficiency and achieving Local Law 87 compliance . Explore practical tips and innovative approaches to reduce energy waste, optimize building systems, and implement energy-saving measures. From retro-commissioning to upgrading HVAC systems, these strategies will not only help you meet the requirements of Local Law 87 but also improve sustainability and reduce operational costs. Stay ahead of the game and make your building more...
Proposed Rules for Local Law 97

Proposed Rules for Local Law 97

Posted on 8 August, 2023 by The Cotcon Group

Local Law 97, also known as the Climate Mobilization Act, is a New York City initiative aimed at reducing carbon emissions from large buildings. The law sets carbon emissions limits for buildings over 25,000 square feet, with the goal of addressing climate change and promoting energy efficiency. Proposed rules associated with Local Law 97 provide specific guidelines and regulations for building owners to meet these emissions targets  


8 February, 2024


13 February, 2023


13 December, 2022


14 November, 2022


6 September, 2020


21 November, 2019


11 August, 2017


22 September, 2020