
Liver Hospital in Ludhiana
Posted on 16 October, 2021 by Hardev Singh
Girn Hospital is a well known certified liver hospital in Punjab , where we specialise in not only liver disease treatment but kidney and bladder conditions too. Our clinic is a complete hub for stomach diseases and their treatments and our staff is full of qualified physicians. Get a consultation for expert medical advice. Our emergency medical services are available 24*7.visit the site for more details.
Girn Hospital
Address: Grand Trunk Rd, Sahnewal, Punjab 141120...

Orthopedic Surgeon in Ludhiana
Posted on 29 October, 2021 by Hunjan Hospital
If you are looking to get a joint replacement surgery then consult the best orthopaedic surgeon in Ludhiana at Hunjan Hospital. We provide seamless medical attention and precise treatments. Our hospital also provides a trauma centre and our medical services are available 24*7. Get treated by dedicated staff and experienced doctors. Get an appointment today or visit the site for more details.
Hunjan Hospital
111, Kochar Market Rd, Sampooran Colony, South Model Gram,...

Let’s have a look down on the hair transplant treatment and cost
Posted on 2 December, 2021 by Dr. Krishan Arora
There is no denying the fact that hair transplant is one of the ultimate choices in all ways. Whether it is male or female pattern baldness, the hair transplant treatment will show its magic like it always does: Permanent & Natural Looking Hair Growth. There are endless reasons for which the hair transplant in Ludhiana is gaining attention among individuals. Let’s make you understand better about the hair transplant treatment.
Do These Things To Your Partner To Awaken His Sexbuds
Posted on 4 December, 2021 by S.S. Jawahar
According to the B est Ayurvedic Sexologist in Ludhiana , “70% of the people are missing that spark in their sexual lives.”
Some say the interest of their spouse has decreased while others say my wife is not able to seduce me. Stop this blame game!
These are sexual issues:
If one partner is not feeling interested in the sexual activity: Low Libido or Lack of Foreplay.
Your wife is not able to seduce you: Erectile...
Why Choose Ayurveda For Getting Rid Of Health Disorders? | Ayurvedic Hospital in Punjab
Posted on 6 December, 2021 by Dr Niharika Vatsyayan
Nowadays, you won’t find a single person who does not have faith in Ayurveda. When the robust medical treatments do not show the desired results, then people consider visiting the A yurvedic Hospital in Punjab as the nature of the long-lasting results is beyond match.
Here in this blog, we are going to tell you the benefits of switching to the ayurvedic treatment:
It is the way of the life
Ayurveda has...
2 December, 2020