#LL 84 Nyc

Why Local Law 84 Matters: The Environmental Impact of Energy Benchmarking

Why Local Law 84 Matters: The Environmental Impact of Energy Benchmarking

Posted on 1 May, 2023 by The Cotcon Group

Local Law 84 is an energy benchmarking law that requires buildings over a certain size in New York City to track and report their energy usage. While compliance with this law is mandatory, many building owners and managers may wonder why it matters in the grand scheme of things. This blog post will explore the environmental impact of energy benchmarking and highlight the importance of Local Law 84 for reducing carbon emissions and promoting sustainability. It will cover topics such as the...
Understanding Local Law 84: A Comprehensive Guide for Building Owners

Understanding Local Law 84: A Comprehensive Guide for Building Owners

Posted on 8 May, 2023 by The Cotcon Group

Local Law 84 is a significant legislation that all building owners should be aware of. This comprehensive guide provides a detailed understanding of Local Law 84 and its implications for building owners. The guide begins by introducing Local Law 84, explaining its purpose, and outlining the key requirements imposed on building owners. It delves into the background of the law, including the reasons behind its implementation and the goals it aims to achieve. Next, the guide provides a...


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