This is an even bigger issue than you imagine

Posted on 15 November, 2023 by taoaxue

This is an even bigger issue than you imagine

For Lebo caps and the endgam WoTLK Gold  . Also, flying mounts aren't going to be a huge deal. enough to show that queues are better and more efficient, however I'm not sure that's a huge deal.The issue is odd and could be a bug but if it's not go ahead and be sure to get it deburred as it's going to be gone forever, likely. Then, there's a super funny and insane bug that the community discovered If you log in to TBC and go to next logout then copy your character to the PTR after which you log into the PTR the character will appear in Dragonblight and you'll receive this buff that says it's where you should not be.

It's very funny, however the reason I'm talking about this is because should Blizzard will not correct this issue, then you will be able to teleport directly from Ross in Ross to Northrend. This method will work once the expansion ends scaping and you no longer have it is no longer necessary to traverse a boat, just log off in nice before the expansion releases go back in, and you'll be transferred to Dragonblight.

This is an even bigger issue than you imagine. Because this time most people have a desire to achieve maximum level first. It's the first round level upon achievement and I feel like this bug will be the difference between your speedrun and failure and if Blizzard doesn't fix this, you'll see a lot of players logging off the next round before the expansion is released. This is all I've got for you today.

Those were seven crazy things you can do on the pre patch . The way that classes interact is, my opinion, the craziest part of the pre batch and will be great fun playing sunwell with 25 players who have toolkits they're not supposed to own in the first place, so I hope you guys enjoyed this video.

If you liked it, remember to make sure to like it and sign up to the classic Well Curios channel to receive more videos like this. The name I use is Numidia and I'll see you guys in the next video very soon. Bye for now.

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The next few weeks are passing by and, as we continue getting closer to the upcoming pre patch, which should totally be coming soon now right Blizzard, their news about the game keeps flying in cheap WoTLK Classic Gold .

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