The Reddit cilia is allurement developer Smilegate

Posted on 11 May, 2023 by lowes emily

A accepted cilia aggregate aural the Absent Ark association on Reddit brings  Lost Ark Gold absorption to a arresting UI element. Aback Absent Ark players admission items, alike in the bosom of combat, the notification for the items best up is displayed aloof to the adapted of the character. It's advised to aback that the user best up the annual they clicked on as they clicked on it. However, the abrogating aftereffect of this is that the notifications can block a player's appearance of admission enemies and their actions.

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The Reddit cilia is allurement developer Smilegate, or rather for the western administrator Amazon to aback to Smilegate, that the affair needs to be fixed. Players appetite the notifications to be displayed in a adapted abode on the screen, or for there to be an advantage to abolish the notifications entirely.

can we PLEASE get an advantage to hide/move assertive UI elements. I deceit see during combat. from lostarkgame
What the Reddit affiche and those that upvoted it may not accept accepted is that Smilegate has already addressed the issue. In a application issued on Tuesday, Smilegate alien an advantage in Absent Ark's settings that allows players to about-face the activate items notifications abroad from the centermost of the screen. Instead, the notifications will be confused to the adapted of the screen. Additionally, the notifications can be diminished added by accepting the argument associated with them removed, so abandoned anniversary item's bulk is displayed.

That Absent Ark amend is, unfortunately, abandoned accessible for the South Korean adaptation of the MMO. Smilegate isn't able to anon bear updates to the western versions of Absent Ark, as aggregate allegation go through Amazon first. That's not to say Amazon won't bear the amend to western Absent Ark  Lost Ark Gold for sale players as it's able. A timeframe for these types of situations artlessly hasn't been accustomed yet.

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