Local Law 97 Building Emission Limits
Posted on 31 March, 2023 by The Cotcon Group

Under Local Law 97 (LL97), building owners in New York City are required to meet specific greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions limits based on the building's occupancy class and square footage. The emissions limits will be phased in over time, with the first compliance deadline in 2024.
The specific emissions limits are based on a formula that takes into account the building's occupancy class, which is determined by the building's primary use, and its gross square footage. The emissions limits are expressed in terms of pounds of CO2 equivalent (CO2e) per square foot per year.
For example, the emissions limits for a building with a primary use of multifamily residential and a gross square footage of 50,000 square feet are as follows:
• For the 2024-2029 compliance period: 0.0463 pounds of CO2e per square foot per year
• For the 2030-2034 compliance period: 0.0311 pounds of CO2e per square foot per year
• For the 2035-2039 compliance period: 0.0156 pounds of CO2e per square foot per year
If a building exceeds the emissions limit for its occupancy class and square footage, the building owner will be subject to financial penalties.
Building owners can work with energy consultants and engineers to assess their building's emissions profile and develop a compliance plan to meet the emissions limits. The plan may include measures such as energy-efficient retrofits, renewable energy installations, and operational improvements to reduce energy consumption and emissions.