The main glyphs we're using are Glyphs of disease
Posted on 23 March, 2023 by lowes emily
When we reach 77, we'll be able to go back to Dollar WoTLK Gold On and get our cold weather flying , and after that we'll go to Ice Crown And this next farm will be an open-world farm. In the video, I mentioned that you can dungeon farm and visit Anca Hat and offer this place a good chance to earn a profit. However, for me, I discovered this to be more straightforward. It's a well known farm that can yield anywhere from 700 to 800.000 hours of experience. The spec I'm playing at the moment on my deep night is truly holy.
The reason is due to the corpse explosion as well as the AoE. The goal is to eliminate the main banner man first. We'll accomplish this by inflicting diseases on the target, rather than spreading diseases that cause death and decay to all the AOE instead of making use of Deathstrike to ensure that we are healed. When the mob dies, we'll make use of corpse explosion, and we're going to continue this process until all the mobs have died. For glyphs and talents on this farm, I'll be sure to leave an address in the description below, if you'd like to look it up.
The main glyphs we're using are Glyphs of disease to keep disease at bay on the target and Glyph of decay and death to cause more damage to our deaths and decay. The thing that makes our farm so great is how big the area is as well as the number of mobs within the area. As you can see, it takes just 45 seconds to eliminate an entire pack, and in less than one minute, we're ready to take on the next. Let's go doing it for me. If you liked the video Please click the like and subscribe button . I'll be seeing you in the next video.
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1 December, 2020