An AI-Powered Future for Graphic Designers

Posted on 17 March, 2023 by The Little Biggest Design Company

An AI-Powered Future for Graphic Designers


The Impact of AI on the World

AI technology is disrupting virtually every sector of the global economy, and the graphic design industry is no exception. As AI spreads, it alters everything from infrastructure to human labour. Many people are concerned that they will be replaced in the workplace by robots, which is one of the most common misconceptions of our time. Will artificial intelligence eventually supplant human creativity? Will graphic designers always be in demand? The truthful answer is "not at this time."

Experts have used advanced creative AI, implemented by the GAN (Generative Adversarial Networks) algorithm developed by American researcher Ian Goodfellow in 2014. The findings demonstrate that a.i. can reproduce and provide variants and iterations based on the input elements. Can it compete with the human brain in terms of imagination and the ability to see a design brief through the eyes of an outsider? Read more about it at One-Stop Shop for All Your Digital Needs: Little Biggest Design Company(LBDC)

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