Blizzard's next game of the year

Posted on 13 January, 2023 by Sagelucy

Prior To Launch, WoW  WoTLK Classic Gold Classic Added Even More Servers To Deal With long queue times

Blizzard's next game of the year, World of Warcraft Classic, has officially launched. Before servers go live Developer Blizzard has announced some important adjustments and improvements to enhance gamers' experience within the MMO.

To begin, Blizzard will eliminate the previously-imposed limit of three characters per account. In the beginning, players will be able to have the maximum of 10 characters per realm, which equates to 50 characters across the entire Classic realms.

On top of that, Blizzard  buy WoTLK Gold announced it will open four more Classic servers to ease the potential long queues when they the launch. The four new servers can be seen below. The names are all pretty decent, but "Bigglesworth" probably takes the cake. We've discovered however, these extra servers didn't stop many players from waiting in long waiting lines. Once players had access the game, they saw queues of a different kind to handle.

New WoW Classic ServersNameTypeTimezoneIncendiusPvPEasternBigglesworthPvPPacificOld BlanchyNormalPacificWestfallNormalEastern

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