Here’s How You Can Perform Gold Facial At Your Home!

Posted on 9 September, 2021 by Shahnaz Husain

Here’s How You Can Perform Gold Facial At Your Home!

A good facial is a great way to attend your skin and improve its appearance. There are various types of facials that you can choose from; each has its unique characteristics and benefits. Cleopatra is known to sleep wearing a gold mask on her skin every night. Gold has become an integral part of many of our skincare routines. A simple gold facial kit can provide countless benefits to our facial skin!

With the availability of gold facial kits, it is now possible to give yourself a relaxing facial while at home. This procedure is straightforward to do and is beneficial for people with special needs. A Gold facial is a great way to get rid of dead skin cells and improve overall health. It uses gold particles to stimulate the natural glow of the skin.

Even if we do a regular skincare routine once in 15 days, a gold facial still shows excellent results. You can save a lot of money and time by doing a gold facial at home. Various kits come with multiple brands and are available at low prices.

The gold collagen mask is a great way to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. It's also used as a cosmetic product that can be used on the face.

Step By Step Process Of Using Gold Facial At Home

Cleansing: The gold cleaner helps remove the dirt and pollutants from the skin by reducing the skin's surface area. Apply the gold cleanser and massage for 60 seconds, then remove with a damp cloth. This step detoxifies the skin. Cleansing also removes dust from the skin and opens clogged pores.

Steaming: Put a bowl of hot water on top of a towel and bend it over so that the steam can escape. Steam for about 5-7 minutes. Steaming helps remove dead cells and clogged pores on the skin.

Scrubbing: Wash the face with warm water after cleansing. Scrubbing removes blackheads on the front.

Massaging: This step is essential to get the gold facial done correctly as it will stimulate collagen production and skin glow. Massaging tones and tightens the skin muscles.

Apply toner: If you don't have toner, then use cucumber juice to tone and moisturize. A light moisturizer is also essential to use after the toner.

Advantages of Using Gold Facial

  • Gold facial is very good for all skin types.
  • It helps in brightening the skin and removes the dead skin cells.
  • A gold facial is also beneficial for minimizing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
  • It can also reverse sun damage and improve skin tone.
  • It is also known to reduce the appearance of enlarged pores and improve the elasticity of the skin.


The effects of gold kit facials are not just limited to providing glowing skin. It also promotes evenness of skin tone, pigmentation, and sun damage. It is believed that these facials are very effective for nursing dark skin as well. The use of gold facials provides healthy, soft, and supple skin.


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