They also come with dynamic buffs

Posted on 13 December, 2022 by lowes emily

T.D.: One of the features I've seen in interviews as well as on WoTLK Gold players who haven't been through it on PTR includes the construction system. It's reminiscent of something players are used to such as the build-up of the Isle of the Thunder King or the Molten Front, but once we finally reach the Broken Shore and, spoiler to say, settle in the Broken Shore, we're basically inhabiting these ancient Night Elven ruins. And amongst these ruins are the three buildings. I've been told, "Oh is this Garrisons on the Broken Shore," or, "What's going on here?" What's happening is the buildings have a long history within the city. As a region, meaning North America, Europe, or China at a regional level but cross faction, we're contributing resources to the ones we're acquiring from regions like Broken Shore and the Broken Isles. And as we contribute these resources were building these structures to return them to their original state.

After they're constructed, and this can take anywhere from a couple of weeks, up to a week and up to three weeks -- it's based on how much players contribute, and it's a player-driven decision on which buildings are to be constructed within their respective regions. Once that building is up, it's actually going provide additional content within the Broken Isles for players to explore and enjoy. They have these static things that are unlocked when they appear, but they also come with dynamic buffs. These buffs could be like, "Hey, you have the chance to earn double the power of an artifact from an award," or "Now all of your horses are walking on the Broken Shore." Fun perks that are available when the building gets up.

The fun thing about this system is that after players build this, they have this content free, which helps generate that energy that we're getting in Broken Shore. The building will eventually get attacked with the help of the Legion. The Legion will strike it. You can defend it for a time, and then it will eventually fall. Then, when it is reshaping itself or is on cool-down or cool-down, if you'd like to put it that way, then you're able to help it out again and that dynamic buff been changed to a dynamic buff, and meanwhile players have been contributing to another structure and possibly that one's unlocked, and that one's contents up now. In my opinion, this may be one of those, possibly, unexplored and more lively driving forces buy WoTLK Gold behind this Broken Shore experience. This is something we've never done before.

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