The Alliance is waging a full-blown war against allies

Posted on 12 December, 2022 by Sagelucy

This causes  WoTLK Classic Gold Slyvanas in the wrong direction. She was willing to serve as a Jailer up until now, however, seeing the Jailer make use of a brainwashed Anduin Wrynn makes her think of the time she was forced against her will to serve Arthas, back when she was killed and transformed into a banshee World of Warcraft. Sylvanas shoots an bow at the Jailer, in displeasure and states that she will "never ever serve." To which the Jailer decides to (checks notes) pay her back by offering Sylvanas her soul, which had been claimed by Arthas via Frostmourne many years long ago. The Jailer then states that he will leave Sylvanas at the mercy of the Jaina Proudmoore, Thrall, and Bolvar Fordragon. Then he will proceed to enter his magical portal with Anduin at his side.

There's a few reasons this is a controversial topic. First, Sylvanas in the past several expansions has been guilty of some rather heinous acts in the effort to gather souls for the Jailer for example:

The Alliance is waging a full-blown war against allies, the Alliance is burning down the gigantic tree Teldrassil that was the source of the Night Elves called homeKilling Horde leader Varok Saurfang in his effort to depose Sylvanas as the head in the HordeKidnapping and beating up leaders of the Horde and Alliance

Many players, specifically Alliance players and Night Elf players, have been looking for revenge against Sylvanas. Although the movie does suggest that her former Banshee Queen may have to pay for her war crimes at some point and the fact Sylvanas has found her soul and fought the Jailer is a sign of the possibility of a redemption storyline that many players were not interested in  buy WoTLK Classic Gold watching.

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