Thus the new enlistment incentive

Posted on 9 December, 2022 by Sagelucy

The result was  WoTLK Classic Gold almost instantaneous match-finding time for players however Blizzard also discovered some interesting data points. Many players were participating in large premade groups which, when confronted by players who solo queued and weren't participating in Discord with their peers typically resulted an outcome of losing. Alliance players were also not satisfied. Being able to more readily play PvP has for years been a benefit of being a member of the Alliance which Blizzard was now looking to remove.

Thus the new enlistment incentive. Blizzard declares that the trend of the last few months has seen a lower Battleground percentage of players joining the Alliance with these new rewards will aim to increase this number.

"A crucial issue to be discussed was the perception that the faction that the majority of players picked for their primary character would be the one that all players move to it, until we modify the game to or give a reward to the minority faction, deter the majority  buy WOW WoTLK Classic Gold  faction or stop players from choosing to play with the majority faction in the first place." Blizzard says in a forum posting.

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