Lost Ark Sets New Round of Fever Time
Posted on 3 December, 2022 by anqilan456
So what the hell is a Lost Ark anyway I spent the last week looking into this new gaming sensation, eager to see if it's what it takes to become my newest obsession or something I'm happy to let others get enthralled by. Lost Ark is a free-to-play MMO that plays similar to Diablo. It's an isometric Buy Lost Ark Gold, action RPG with all the hallmarks of an open-to-play MMO with wildly undressed female models and a chat filled with spam messages from gold-miners. Lost Ark is mindless fun which won't penalize you by taking it too seriously.
Lost Ark Sets New Round of Fever Time, With Rewards to aid Honing and Battle
Lost Ark is getting two more rounds of the weekend-only Fever Time event to close out July. The event will let you take advantage of rewards on both Saturday and then on Sunday. This event is part of the recently added progress bonuses that came into effect following the July Spells in Spades update.
Fever Time is a simple eventas it involves collecting rewards once per Saturday and is restricted to one participant on your roster. The rewards are significantly different the next time. This weekend, on July 23rd and July 24th, the rewards will be:
Saturday, July 23rd
3 Battle Items Chest x1 and Honing Shard Selection Chest 3
Saturday, July 24th
Honing Support Selection Chest and Guard Stone Selection Pouch 6
This week, in the final weekend in July the prizes will change to best place to buy Lost Ark Gold:
Saturday the 30th of July
3 Battle Items Chest 1 and Honing Leapstone Chest II x 2 and Selection Chest II x 2
20 February, 2019