It's a topic Hazzikostas has previously touched upon

Posted on 25 October, 2022 by Sagelucy

As of the present WoTLK Classic Gold Shadowlands storyline as of patch 9.1. the various Covenants in the Shadowlands have been largely united in order to join forces and fight against the Jailer. Hazzikostas claims that this provides the narrative argument for more freedom in the game, which means players will shortly be able to switch between the different Covenants.

However, when you consider the difference that exists between Horde and Alliance, the answer isn't quite as straightforward as Hazzikostas says. He then calls the division between factions an "major problem" and one that the WoW team is aware of and needs to address.

It does. "Alone" is the primary word - but there's more to the faction split than just narrative. There's nothing quick to fix this, but especially when it comes to equality of access to game systems like M+ and raiding, this is a significant issue we're sure we have to solve.

It's a topic Hazzikostas has previously touched upon. During an BlizzConline Q&A discussion earlier this season, Hazzikostas stated that the concept of cross-faction games was not off the table.

"At the end of the day an MMO such as World of Warcraft is about playing with your friends, and being at a place to play as you'd like, and, in some ways, there's more scope for the character of the faction when you are able to select the faction that which you're most comfortable with, with the faction you feel you are a member of, and you don't having to sacrifice buy WoTLK Gold it for the sake of being in your group, or desire to join a better-rated community," he said.

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