Sure Does Sound Like World of Warcraft 's Next Expansion is Coming To Azeroth

Posted on 21 October, 2022 by Sagelucy

World of Warcraft WoTLK Classic Gold 15th Anniversary Collector's Edition is Hot Like Fire

World of Warcraft turns 15 this year which is why Blizzard is celebrating in various ways. One of those is the release of World of Warcraft Classic, which will be available this summer for people who want to play WoW in its original form. For those who love the cult MMORPG in general the company is offering a special anniversary Collector's Edition filled with goodies.

The CE launch is scheduled for October 8 at $100. Pre-purchases are now available via the Blizzard store. The bonus items include a pair of special mounts including fine art prints mouse pads with a map of Azeroth and an Onyxia pin. The cpiece of the collection is a huge black and gold-colored statue of Ragnaros.

While this is happening, Blizzard also announced that WoW Classic will be available on August 27. There's a chance that you'll get the chance to test it prior to that date it's a closed beta that will begin the 15th of May. It will also be conducting several test runs until the end of July. You are able to sign up through the official site. If you're already a WoW subscriber, you'll gain access to Classic as well.

Classic resets the clock towards World of Warcraft as it existed as of 1.12 update. 1.12 update. It also comes with some under-the-hood modern features, such as social features as well as a modern server infrastructure. To learn more about WoW and the upcoming Rise of Azshara update, take a look at our detailed interview about the plans for this expansion.

Sure Does buy WOW WoTLK Classic Gold  Sound Like World of Warcraft 's Next Expansion is Coming To Azeroth

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