WoW WoTLK Classic's first expansion

Posted on 19 September, 2022 by Macmillan wu

WoW WoTLK Classic's first expansion, The Burning Crusade, is one step closer to release. Blizzard Entertainment has confirmed that beta testing has started.

The beta access will be made available in stages over the course of a few weeks. If you're not able to access the beta immediately, keep an eye on it. You can choose to sign-up to beta access through the profile page with WoTLK Classic Gold. profile.

The expansion lets you play as an Blood Elf or Draenei in WoW WoTLK Classic. The content comes out in stages and will allow you to go through The Burning Crusade progressively over time. The community will have the ability to prepare itself for events such as the launch of Black Temple and the Sunwell. It will also allow Arena PvP Jewelcrafting, Jewelcrafting, and flying mounts into players in the WoW WoTLK Classic game.

WoW WoTLK Classic players can choose how they progress into Burning Crusade. You can keep your character in the original Classic Version of WoW, or switch to them in the Burning Crusade era.

World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade Classic is included with every WoW subscription. So if you're currently playing either the primary game as well as the Classic currently, then you'll be able to get the content no cost.

The popularity in WoW WoTLK Classic has surprised even Blizzard who thought that the game would appeal only to fans who are already avid. Chief executive producer John Hight told P2Pah: "It definitely amazed us."

He said: "When we put out Classic we were unsure that this was going to be an issue or not? We thought that our core fans were likely to be thrilled by the game, and we should make this to them.' But then it was a huge crowd comprised of WoW players. The size of our modern cheap WOW WoTLK Classic Gold community. We were astonished," Hight said. "We were thinking, 'Oh my God! we're required to support two communities. How can we accomplish this do it?"

"Suffice that it be said that I'm convinced that we are the best of having the two largest MMOs on Earth. This is a huge community. More than we imagined it would be."

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