12 Most Spoken Languages in India by Number of Speakers

Posted on 31 August, 2022 by Devnagri

12 Most Spoken Languages in India by Number of Speakers

Speaking a language aloud is an essential part of communicating. Without a well-defined language, it would be impossible for people to live together and work as a group. However, languages around the world can be very different. Some countries have a lot of different ways of speaking their languages. One of these places is India. India is home to more than a billion people who come from many different countries, cultures, and religions. The country has more languages spoken than any other country in the world.

These are the most spoken languages in India by speakers.


Most people in India speak Hindi, which is an Indo-Aryan language. It is written in the Devanagari script, and along with English, it is one of the country’s two official languages.


Bengali is the second language that most people in India speak.

Bengali has a significant effect on Persian and Arabic. Bengali is an Indo-Aryan language that is mainly spoken in South Asia. It is the most common language in most states, including the northeastern Andaman and Nicobar Islands. Old Indo-Aryans first spoke Bengali as a secular language that Persian and Arabic influenced. This language is spoken differently in different states, especially in how it is used, how it is pronounced, what words are used, and how it is written.

Indian English 

English is an official language in India, which is surprising. It is not the second language most people in the country speak, but it is the second official language. This also makes India one of the places in the world where most people speak English. Include those who speak English as a second language, and the total number of English speakers comes to about 80 million.


Marathi is the third most common language spoken by people in India. People who live in Maharashtra and Goa speak it. It is another Indo-Aryan language. In the country as a whole, 8.30 crore people speak Marathi. This is 6.86% of the total population.

Marathi is an Indo-Aryan language. It is the official language of Goa and Maharashtra, two states in the western part of the country. 

Also Read: AI-led English to Marathi translation solutions can increase the engagement of the audience


Telugu is another pervasive Indian language. A Dravidian language, like Hindi and Bengali, has been made an official language in more than one state. At the moment, there are about 82 million people in India who speak Telugu. Due to the large number of Telegu people who have moved to the US, Telugu is said to be the Indian language that is growing the fastest.


Many people speak Tamil, a language that many people speak, not just in India but all over the world. Singapore, Malaysia, Myanmar, South Africa, the United States, Mauritius, and Sri Lanka all speak this language. The Dravidian language is one of the few classical languages still spoken today.


Gujarati is the sixth language most people in India speak. Gujarati is an Indo-Aryan language that most people in the Gujarati state speak. Traditional Gujarati Cuisine. In India, about 55 million people speak Marathi.


In India, about 5.07 billion people can speak Urdu. It is an official language in the states of West Bengal, Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir, Telangana, and Jharkhand. Urdu is also one of the official languages of Pakistan.

In India, about 50 million people speak Urdu. It is a language often used in Bollywood movies and local newspapers.


Kannada is the seventh most spoken language in India. People who live in the state of Karnataka mainly use it. It is a Dravidian language, like Tamil, and is thought to be the oldest one in use in India. Estimates show that Kannada is spoken in more than 20 different ways.


Odia is the official language of India. Most people who speak Odia live in the state of Odisha. There are 3.75 crore people in the country who speak this language.

Right now, about 37 million people in India can speak Odia. This is 3.1% of the total population of India.


Most Malayali people who live in India’s Lakshadweep and Puducherry territories speak Malayalam. India is home to about 34 million people who speak Malayalam. Some of them also live in the states of Karnataka and Tamil Nadu. Punjabi is the eleventh most common language in India. Many people in the Punjabi state speak it. It is a big surprise that Punjabi is the third most spoken language in the UK. Because many different languages are spoken in India, it is easy for people to talk to each other since most Indians speak more than one language. Most people in India speak English, Hindi, and their native language. Because it is the most common way for people in the south and north of India to talk to each other, English is no longer seen as a foreign language. So, you may now know which languages are spoken the most in India, based on how many people speak them.

Also Read: The Importance of English To Malayalam Translation in Publishing Media

Source: https://devnagri.com/12-most-spoken-languages-in-india-by-number-of-speakers/


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