The Right Way To Store Your Herbs For Longer Use

Posted on 24 August, 2022 by Everything But Pot

Herbs are one of the most important ingredients we find in every household. They have dozens of properties that benefit our health. That’s the reason why they are extensively used in preparations of infused oils, tinctures, and herbal teas. But they have a specific shelf life, and once it is over, they are no longer effective. The good thing is the shelf-life can be increased with storing the herbs correctly. Before you buy fresh herbs online in the USA, you must know the right way to store them so they last longer.

Store herbs as a whole

Storing the herbs in their whole last longer. If you have a bigger container to store the herbs in their whole, then do the same and grind whenever needed. It is not possible for everyone to store every type of herbs. Still, you can store some herbs in their whole with their roots, seeds, and whole flower buds.

Ensure herbs are completely dried

Before storing the herbs in your container, ensure herbs are completely dried beforehand. If you grow some herbs in your garden, first of all, you need to dry them after harvesting to remove moisture completely. If any trace of moisture is left in the herbs, it will cause fungi and ruin their freshness. The fastest way to dry your herbs is the dehydrator or homemade drying screen or by directly hang your herbs upside down.

Always store in an air-tight container

Exposure to oxygen can degrade the quality of the herbs over time. So, you should always store your herb in an air-tight container, including glass jars and metal tin. Avoid using the plastic container because they may release chemicals into your herbs and ruin their potency and aroma.

Keep out of direct sunlight

Even though the sun rays hit your jars containing herbs, they can damage the potency and aroma of your herbs very quickly. It is always suggested to keep your herbs away from direct sunlight. In fact, using the dark color jar would be great to store the herbs. Storing the jars in a closed cabinet is the best idea to keep the herbs fresh and potency intact for a longer time with increased shelf-life. Then only it worth to buy Ayurveda herbs online in the USA.

In conclusion

Having the highest quality herbs is great, but at the same time, storing them correctly is essential to ensure they don’t lose their freshness, aroma, and potency. Ensure you follow the above suggestions to store the herbs correctly.

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