Don't waste time by using Ranged or Magic against the Troll King

Posted on 27 July, 2022 by lowes emily

Kind is extremely satisfied with your performance and requires additional spying help from you this time. You should return to Neitiznot and find the Slug who is the master of spying is situated.

OSRS gold Items needed Include: Jester costume (again!)

Return to Slug. It's time to be a jester once more!

You will receive the answers to your questions. These are the solutions:


A few potions

I've been assisting

The reward will be 2.5k coins should the Slug will be content with the answers. Go to The King Gjuki Sorvott IV. Update him on spying progress.

Traditional Fremennik Rituals

Items required: 3 yak hides OR a set of yak-hide armour or three yak-hides thread, fifteen gold or silver coins. You will also need one bronze nail, a rope, Hammer and two timber logs made of arctic pine, or a huge Fremennik round should.

Kings do not always follow advice. It was the case with the King Gjuki Sorvott III. He was not prepared for an update that he was given, but rejected any tips.

Give the order you received at the request of the King Mawnis Burowgar.

Following the announcement of the decree by the King Sorvott, Mawnis becomes extremely disappointed. Explore the ancient Neitiznot warrior rites as a leader for his troops.

Note: If you've got the three items required in your possession You are able to skip the building of the shield and speak directly to the king.

You'll need to construct yak-hide armour. That's the first suggestion given by Thakkrad Sigmundson. You'll earn 5 coins per hide once you send Thakkrad three yak-hides . He cures them. Afterwards, craft the cured goat-hides into chaps for yak and into a yak-hide body. Needle and thread are needed to accomplish this. They are available from a bank or a nearby store. The cost is 32 crafting points with every hide. Once done, Thakkrad will confirm that this armor is ideal to protect against the rocks that trolls utilize.

To learn how to make a Fremennik circular shield visit and talk to King Burowgar. Trolls create dangerous stones, which is why this shield great for protection from them.

To construct this shield, it is necessary to have a bronze nail an oar, a rope hammer and two arctic pine logs. Once you've gathered all of the materials, visit the Woodcutting stump located in the east of the bank. You can then create the shield. Make sure to add a hammer to your arsenal! Every shield made increases your Crafting experience to 34 points.

Be aware that if your Woodcutting level is less than 56. You can continue your quest by purchasing the shield from other players.

After that, go back at Burowgar. Burowgar and accept his request to remove the head of Ice Troll King. Of course, at first you'll have to kill the beast.

The troll the king

Items required: Bunch of food items (MUST HAVE) Solid armour, the large Fremennik round shield and a set of yak-hide armour.

Take note: Don't waste time by using Ranged or Magic against the Troll King, since it is only possible to kill him effectively using Melee.

Fighting the ice trolling

Melee and Ranged weapons possessed by ice trolls has an extra effect that allows them to penetrate any defence. It's often apparent that the player is not wearing armour , and has a Defense Level of 1. Weapons can't be used to thwart prayers to protect yourself, since they are not able to penetrate them. To limit the severity and frequency of the special effect from the ice trolls' weapons, make sure to equip yak-hide armour and the Fremennik round shield. If you're looking for an effective defense for both Ranged as well as Melee attacks, traditional Fremennik armour is the perfect solution. The only additional items you need to bring include gloves, a cape, a helmet, boots the amulet, an amulet as well as a Melee weapon that will best fit your requirements.

If you're seeking the challenge of a lifetime and plan to remove yak-hide armour with Fremennik shield in your closet, and then decide to go on a savage spree using Melee (which isn't recommended, obviously) Consider taking prayer potions, some quality food and a super potion kit as you may take a heavy harm. The emergency teleport as well as a bell of life might also come in handy.

Take a trip to the northernmost island. There will be a lot of high level trolls increasing as you progress further away from the area of the dungeon. Melee trolls do more damage than the Ranged ones, so you should consider using Protect from Melee to limit the amount of damage taken. When you get to east of the area located in north, after passing by the trolls you'll find the trolls stopped following you and stopped attacking. We recommend that you take some time to rest and relax before entering the RuneScape gold as you may need plenty of energy to get through the final part of the troll cave.

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