It was fun to play Elyon for around two hours and the game was like an eastern MMO railroad

Posted on 25 July, 2022 by letitia wilkinson

It was fun to play Elyon for around two hours and the game was like an eastern MMO railroad

Elyon released a roadmap for 2022 in video form . While I've only read the  Elyon Gold article and not yet seen the video, I'm beginning to think about whether it will be something worth revisiting when the new changes are announced.

Personally, I'd prefer to play lightly because it includes systems that could make me crazy should I attempt to play more serious. However, with the possibility of a PvE channel, a less punishing equipment system that breaks through, the ability to change rune slots and the other character development systems being account wide, it might be a nice game to hop into when I want to get a little bit of fun grinding.

The combat was good and the game certainly had a lot of content to playwith, however, the absence for a classic healer and systems that were more RNG as opposed to other titles were my major problems. The game appears to be improving some things and sometimes I find myself looking for games with good combat and graphics I can be absorbed in for a short time. There are plenty of story-based MMOs to play for stories and lore, but they don't provide enough action to scratch that itch, so this could be a wonderful side MMO. Are you feeling similar?

It was fun to play Elyon for around two hours and the game was like an eastern MMO railroad that shot me through the zones like I was shot from a cannon and continuously flashing new shit onto my monitor. I don't know, but at this point within my own life I'd like my overall world to feel like an experience that is like I'm on my own and a little less like there's a certain place more important. (auto-pathing or quests that are all very sequential enhance this feeling. it makes me feel like I'm not supposed to be loitering)

Similar observation, but it's my main reason for not liking  Elyon Gold for sale games with those "[Playerrecently crafted Boots of Extreme Might +7" notifications. It's an easy way to make all the work I'm doing appear insignificant, video game.

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