5 Proven Reasons Why Green Tea is Great For Your Skin!

Posted on 18 July, 2022 by Shahnaz Husain

If your skin gets exposed to pollution, dust, and harmful UV rays frequently, it is urgent for you to take care of the skin well. The potential and one-stop solution for most skin problems is Green Tea. It originated from a plant called Camellia Sinensis. Antioxidants and polyphenols in green tea help in protecting the skin, and they also retain the youthfulness of the skin. Nowadays, the best anti aging facial kit also includes green tea as a key ingredient. In this article, Shahnaz Husain will explain the benefits of Green Tea and its usage. Scroll down to read about the five reasons for using Green Tea to get good skin.

Five benefits of using Green Tea on your skin

  1. Managing Acne

Acne is the most common skin problem among adults and teenagers. It occurs due to clogging of pores, imbalance of hormones, excessive production of sebum, inflammation, and bacterial infections. If you apply green tea topically on the skin for two weeks, it will reduce sebum production and inflammation in the follicles. For this reason, many skin and hair care kits contain large green tea extracts.

  1. Polyphenols in Green Tea can protect the skin from harsh UV rays.

Regular exposure of skin to the sun's harsh and harmful UV rays can cause photoaging. The polyphenol in Green Tea can help protect the skin from UVB rays and inhibits the UVB-induced oxidation of protein.

  1. Green tea reduces the risk of UVB-Induced Skin Cancer.

Harmful chemicals, harsh UV rays, and various toxins affect the DNA very badly, and they are responsible for the increase in the number of people having skin cancer. Green Tea extracts and the polyphenols present in them can prevent solar UVB light-induced skin disorders such as non-melanoma and melanoma skin cancers and photoaging.

  1. Green Tea extracts and antioxidants manage wrinkles and skin aging.

Our skin tends to get fine lines and wrinkles as we get older. The extracts in Green Tea can reduce skin damage and promote anti-wrinkling properties. One must buy an anti aging facial kit that contains essential Green Tea extracts.

  1. Protect the skin around the eyes with the help of Green Tea

The skin around the eyes is very delicate and thin. It ages, wrinkles, and becomes extremely pigmented due to its exposure to UV rays, stress, poor lifestyle, lack of sleep, and genetics. Green tea has excellent antioxidant, UV-protective, anti-wrinkle, and anti-inflammatory properties that can help in protecting the skin around the eyes from sagging, pigmentation, and wrinkles.


Green tea's polyphenols and antioxidants act as natural healers to the skin. Whether you apply it topically on the skin or drink it, Green Tea improves the skin's texture and makes it glowy. It would help if you started using Green Tea on your face from today itself. Don't throw the used bags of tea. Let them cool down and place them on your eyes. Regular application of Green Tea can reduce fine lines and wrinkles and also helps in reducing dark circles. Shahnaz Husain believes that Green Tea is a magical ingredient that can do wonders to your skin and hair. She always tries to incorporate it into her skincare and hair care kit.

Tags: Beauty Tips


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