How is Powder Coating Cost Calculated?

Posted on 31 January, 2024 by Rusty Lions

How is Powder Coating Cost Calculated?

Sometimes, the decision to powder coat components comes down to its cost. While powder coating is a tad bit more expensive than liquid paint, the right equipment and expertise can result in high returns for your investment. 

 Generally, powder coating cost is calculated on a per-square-foot basis, which means the cost increases as the size of the item increases. 

 However, surface area isn't the only criterion that determines the cost of your powder coating project. That's because every paint job is different, and calculating cost based on area may result in significantly varying prices. Depending on the type of item, you may have to pay $4 per square foot to $45 per square foot. 

 Other factors influencing powder coating cost are:

·        The color and cost of the powder 

·        Size and number of components

·        Whether surface pre-treatment is required or not

·        Labor and fixed costs (rent, machinery, etc.)

 Powder Coating Cost of Common Items

·        Bicycle.       $70–$90

·        ATV frame    $250

·        Motorcycle exhaust          $75 and up

·        Vehicle carburetor  $100–$200

·        Car wheels.    $50–$60 each

·        Sheet metal $6 per square foot

·        Railings       $15 per foot

·        Barstool      $80–$100

·        Patio table  $100–$130

·        Wheel prep  $25

·        Bike frame  $200

·        Frame prep $75

·        Car    $400–$3,000

·        Bed   $100–$200

·        Loveseat     $125

·        Armchair     $85

·        Radiator      $200–$300

·        Appliances  $75–$275

 Request a Quote

Get more information regarding powder coating costs by requesting an estimate from Rusty Lions. Call 347-613-8103 or send an email to [email protected] for a quote.  


Business name- Rusty Lions LLC

Phone Number- 347-613-8103

Address: 12 Cork Hill Rd Suite 8, Franklin, NJ 07416

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