They will appear in the quest item inventory

Posted on 30 June, 2022 by cuyuay36612

Collection of mokoko seeds is an integral aspect the story of Lost Ark. In addition, exploring the Grayhammer Mine dungeon in Bilbrin Forest could result in the largest crop of 12 seeds Lost Ark Gold. When you leave the mainland and reach the first island, you'll find each 50 will reward you with the gift. So, 12 on one small map is a fantastic boost.

But, some of the Grayhammer mokoko seeds are tricky to come by. Some are hidden in locations that can only be accessed at certain points in the path you go through - one of which then requires you to change your route. If you've have missed one, continue reading for a complete list of locations.

Take the road from the dungeon's start and go down on the elevator. Once you've tackled the first group of brigands and elementals, there's a gate that leads to northeast. Prior to moving on, you'll see your first mokoko plant to the left of the gate along with some supplies.

Enter the gate into an area that is opened onto your right to defeat your second bank of Brigands. There's an ingredient to Miner's Rum , in a bag placed on the floor near a broken mine cart on the wall to the northeast. If you continue to follow the wall just several steps to the east, then you'll come across a secret passageway in the wall. It can be tricky to locate, but keep clicking at the wall till you move into it.

Continue to follow it until you reach a small clearing where you'll find two mokoko seeds, one either side of a dais that is raised, both partially hidden in the grass.

Once collected, grab the lantern of fireflies by the dais. They will appear in the quest item inventory.

Now, move back to the area in which you had the first battle and found the first seed. Head to the left side of the gate this time and continue to follow the edge of the map in the opposite direction. You'll pass by the rails and the red banner which runs along the north wall. Then you'll find yourself in a hidden passageway. It's behind some crates if you haven't already destroyed them. Take the left-hand side of the wall as you go north Cheap Lost Ark Gold, and you'll find the second mokoko buried in the grass on the ground at the foot of a few flowering plants before getting to the glowing dais.

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