When do i need a pool resurfacing?

Posted on 26 December, 2023 by mason alder

When do i need a pool resurfacing?

Maintenance is an important aspect of our house and landscape, the same goes for your pool house.  If your pool house is more than 4 years of age and you begin to notice some wear and tears, it is time for a pool resurfacing.

The materials used to build your pool may determine how long it lasts compared to that of your neighbours. We'll give you seven telltale indications to watch out for if your pool needs resurfacing because every pool is different. Pools require upkeep, updates, and renovations much like your house and landscaping. It may be time for pool resurfacing if your swimming pool is more than three years old and exhibits noticeable wear and tear.

Also, the longevity of your pool depends on the material used during construction. The question is, how do I know if I need a pool resurfacing? Below are some solid good indications to watch out for if your pool needs a resurfacing. Before we dive into that, we need to understand what pool resurfacing is.

What is pool resurfacing?

Pool resurfacing is a skilled process, with the right materials and maintenance can last you between three to ten years. It brings your swimming pool back to its former splendour. This can be achieved by working with the right team like Municipal service.

Although it is a lengthy process, sometimes, with the right team, it can be finished quickly. Upgrading a pool requires removing the top layer of the walls, floor, or waterline—it seems easier said than done!

The floor and walls are then replaced with sturdy and brand-new walls and floor materials. If you notice any wear or tear in your póls either due to weather or usage, this operation should be scheduled. 

Signs that indicate your pool needs a resurfacing

Peeling Plaster

Peeling also known as spalling means plaster removal or plaster peeling. This process occurs on the floor and steps of your pool This is caused by low levels of calcium and pH.

We might feel repair is the best option, but it can be very difficult to do that as the pool plaster has spilt away from your pool's surface. The best solution is concrete pool resurfacing. Municipal services also include this.

Inconsistent texture

Another obvious clue that shows that your pool needs resurfacing is when you feel a rough texture on the floor. As the pool surface ages, uneven spots begins to appear and this is due to imbalanced chemicals and pH levels of your pool's water.

When this begins to surface, quick action should be taken to resolve it. This is to ensure the safety of those using your pool for recreational activities.

Sudden Drop In Water Level

An early sign of a pool problem is a drop in the pool's water level. This is a sign of a leakage in the pool. This is a result of worn-out plaster or bad fittings in your pool.

Leaks are caused by cracks in your pool and it is not easily detectable. When the pool is poorly constructed, this leads to cracks in your pool's surface.


This is the reason you should work with a pool professional like municipal service who understands what is required to create a high-quality, long-lasting pool.

Spider Web” Cracks

 Cracks in the pool can look like a spider web and this is caused by temperature changes or cracks in an eggshell. And if the cracks are there for long, they become bigger over time. This can be fixed by regular care, but it will come to a time it wont be manageable. It might get to the extent of you needing to resurface your pool.

Extended Structural Fissures

Bigger structural cracks are more glaring than spider web cracks. These fissures can't be noticed on your pool's surface, instead, they can be detected within the construction.

Larger structural cracks need to be fixed right away. This needs to be immediately attended to. They might permanently harm your pool as a whole.

Bottom line

The process of resurfacing your pool is a large, labour-intensive task. Yes, you can do a DIY(Do it yourself) but it is best to leave the project to municipal service as Municipal services include pool resurfacing.  if you are not sure if you can finish it. This indicates that your pool needs a gorgeous renovation!


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